Take advantage of the sun’s natural rays with photovoltaic panels.
If you’re looking for a more environmentally friendly way to bring light and power into your residential or commercial space, look no further than photovoltaic panels. Photovoltaic panels are made up of a bunch of different cells that produce power through harvesting sunlight and converting it into electrical energy for you to use. The photovoltaic cells within these panels are protected with glass, plastic, or a combination of the two materials, so you don’t have to worry about your photovoltaic panels getting damaged from inclement weather or other adverse conditions.
When it comes to installing the panels, you can choose how many panels you need to power your space. If you have a small residential space, you won’t need as many panels as you would if you want to power a large commercial property. Your residential and commercial spaces can also benefit from photovoltaic panels even on a cloudy day. The panels use particles of light that are present in indirect sunlight in addition to direct sunlight, so the panels will still generate power on overcast days. Even though direct sunlight generates the most electricity, indirect sunlight is still beneficial when that’s all you have available.
If you’re interested in learning more about how installing photovoltaic panels can benefit your Apopka, Florida residential or commercial property, reach out to us here at 3 Guys Solar, LLC. We have successfully installed hundreds of solar panel systems and are happy to walk you through the installation process while we do it, so don’t hesitate to call us today.
At 3 Guys Solar, LLC, we offer photovoltaic panels for customers from Central Florida, including Orlando, Apopka, Oviedo, Winter Park, Casselberry, Altamonte Springs, Winter Garden, Ocoee, Kissimmee, Melbourne, and Brevard County.